Electronic Logging Device (ELD)
Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs), which are digital devices that connect to a vehicle’s engine and automatically track all driving activities throughout the day. ELDs are also known as electronic logbooks or e-logs, and are commonly used by professional drivers of commercial vehicles. The cost of an ELD varies depending on the vendor and the number of vehicles you have.
Other factors that may affect the price include the hardware, installation process, and the need for training. However, regardless of the size of your business, implementing an ELD can result in almost immediate ROI due to the data insights gained from day-to-day operations. ELDs can help truck drivers save time and money by automatically recording driving activities, allowing for more time on the road.
Fleet managers can use up-to-the-minute reporting to monitor compliance and optimize route planning. ELDs can also identify driving behaviors that negatively impact fuel costs and may even lower insurance premiums. An ELD records various types of engine operations from the moment the engine starts running, including driving time, distance driven, duration of engine operations, vehicle movements, and location.
When integrated with a telematics system, an ELD can provide important metrics to help improve costs and safety by identifying bad driving behavior, avoiding driver’s working hour violations and traffic fines, preventing engine malfunctions through proactive maintenance, and reducing driver fatigue by optimizing working hours.