We help enterprises to

Decarbonize & Improve Driver Safety

It’s simple: Zero enables businesses to measure emissions relating to staff and contractor journeys. We make it incredibly easy for your team to track and record emissions for every journey, on any mode of transport, all straight from the phone.

Which allows for the simplified monitoring and measuring of scope 1  and scope 3 emissions, sustainability objectives and ESG targets.

Let's measure that impact

If you need to measure emissions, including scope 3 emissions, across your organisation and fleet: Zero is the answer.

And it needs no hardware and no installation: just download a smartphone app and you’re on the way to making a difference.

Suitable for

Any vehicle type

Zero can be configured to measure emissions for any journey, no matter what vehicle type is used. Across your entire fleet, including personal vehicles – we have you covered.

  • Business vehicles

  • Personal vehicles for commuting

  • Other mode of transport (public transport)

CameraMatics MySafeDrive Scope Reporting

Understanding Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions

Scope 1: Direct emissions produced by the company such as the company fleet. Making it possible to directly reduce them.

Scope 2: Indirect emissions such as purchased electricity, includes electric vehicles.

Scope 3: A wide range of indirect emissions, including supply chain emissions, and people commuting to work.

Promoting safer driving, and reducing accidents

Accidents cost money. They take vehicles off the road, and can mean prolonged staff absence. And that’s without even considering legal and compensation costs.

Zero monitors driving habits, provides personalised driver scores, and provides customised tips to improve safety and reduce accidents across your fleet.

  • Reduce accidents, save money

  • Reduce wear and tear on vehicles, and associated maintenance costs

  • Help employees play their part in building a safety culture

How Zero works

Every trip is allocated a classification, score, and the CO2 emissions produced are tracked. Metrics are generated using advanced data science and OEM data.

Journey classifications and scores are based on driving behaviour, journey type, and performance versus expected emissions.

Advanced AI modelling classifications include driving profiles, fro aggressive to timid – and everything in between.

Visualize your journey to Net Zero

Zero gives sustainability executives everything they need to manage the transition to Net Zero across their fleet and workforce.

Our dashboard gives an immediate view of both emissions and driving standards, can be filtered from various perspectives (driver, vehicle, group, etc), and highlights areas for improvement.

The all-in-one platform to start your net zero journey

Start measuring Scope 3 emissions today

Get started

Add your details here and we’ll come back to you within 24 hours to schedule a meeting

Accelerate the shift to a sustainable world

Develop sustainable living habits, be part of the change.

CameraMatics Fleet Management System Available on Both Android and Apple iOS App Store